This work aims to design and model an experimental platform to perform in-situ straining experiments in a transmission electron microscope (TEM), enabling structural characterization of materials under tensile strain. The ability to visualize changes in the crystal structure of materials under strain can provide important insights into failure modes and improve understanding of process-structure-property relationships. Existing methods of in-situ straining typical involve complex sample preparation and are not well-suited to the study of thin films or sensitive battery materials. In this work, thin films of materials are deposited on a conventional TEM grid adhered to a copper template. The template is mounted in a Gatan 654 single tilt straining holder and strained within the TEM. Electron diffraction patterns are taken from the specimens, and strain can be calculated based on shifts in the Bragg reflections.An essential component of in-situ straining experiments is the quantification of applied strains. For our facile straining platform, we calculate the expected values of strain on our specimen using a finite element model. The finite element strain simulation data was compared with experimental data collected during in-situ straining experiments. Experimental results on a variety of material systems, including those applicable to lithium-ion batteries, are within the bounds of our model. Overall, the ability to accurately simulate in-situ strains using the finite element model enables researchers to better explain observation in the TEM, improve the reproducibility of the experiments, and optimize straining geometries to be tested. Figure 1