Grinding conditions affect the flotation of copper sulphide minerals as changes in the properties of the grinding media and their interactions with the sulphide minerals, and between sulphide minerals themselves, affect the chemical environment in the flotation pulp. Galvanic interactions between steel grinding media and sulphide minerals, and between sulphide minerals, can lower the pulp potential, decrease the dissolved oxygen concentration in the mineral slurry, and lead to the dissolution of iron and copper from the media and the minerals. As a result, the formation of hydrophilic iron hydroxides and their adsorption on the copper sulphide minerals can be deleterious to copper flotation while pyrite (when present) can be activated to flotation by dissolved copper lowering the grade of the copper concentrate. Electrochemically less active grinding media (e.g., chrome alloy balls rather than mild steel media) can have beneficial effects on flotation performance due to the lower oxidation of the grinding media and consequently the lower production of oxidised iron species in the pulp. Copper activation of pyrite can be decreased by chemical additions to the pulp. In this paper, relevant experimental data published in the last 15 years are discussed.