The role of the Notary is very important in helping to create legal certainty and protection for the community, because the Notary as a public official has the authority to make authentic deeds, as long as the making of the authentic deed is not specific to other public officials. Legal certainty and protection can be seen through the authentic deed he made as perfect evidence in court. Perfect evidence because an authentic deed has three evidentiary powers, namely outward evidentiary strength (uitwendige bewijsracht), formal evidentiary power (formele bewijskracht) and material evidentiary power (materiele bewijskracht). (G. H. S. Lumban Tobing, 1999: 55-59) However, over time, competition among Notaries has encouraged several Notaries to practice the philosophy of picking up the ball, such as actively visiting Prospective appearers, offering services, negotiating honorariums and engaging in business-like agreements, including cooperation agreements between Banks and Notaries required in making deeds in the field of credit. Referring to the provisions of the Law on Notary Position and the Notary Code of Ethics, it does not explicitly prohibit a Notary from entering into an agreement with any party, but in practice the implementation of a cooperation agreement between a Bank and a Notary is not in line with the Law on Notary Office and the Notary Code of Ethics. As a result, the Notary becomes independent and sided with the Bank. Whereas in Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of Notary (UUJN) Article 16 paragraph (1) letter (a) it is stated that "In carrying out his position, the Notary is obliged to: act honestly, thoroughly, independent, impartial and protect the interests of parties involved in legal actions. In line with these rules, in the provisions of the Amendment to the Notary Code of Ethics at the Extraordinary Congress of the Banten Indonesian Notary Association, May 29-30 2015, namely in Article 3 paragraph (4) which states "Notaries and other persons who assume and carry out the position of Notary are obliged to: act honestly, independent, impartial, full of responsibility, based on laws and regulations and the contents of the Notary's oath of office. (Perubahan Kode Etik Notaris Kongres Luar Biasa Ikatan Notaris Indonesia. Banten, 29-30 Mei 2015)
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