Early in the development of unconventional reservoirs, the industry had little choice but to rely on the toolsets handed down from decades of conventional engineering practices. Later, new tools would be crafted in the hopes of better fitting the unconventional paradigm. This presents a choice to the technical community—rely on a traditional and proven method, or one designed for the unconventional system but less tested? Recently, many hydraulic fracturing engineers have been asking themselves this question when it comes to the diagnostic fracture injection test (DFIT). That includes myself, and the journey I took to find an answer culminated in a technical paper (SPE 206239) that was presented at the 2021 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. What follows are some of that paper’s key findings which are being shared with the intent to further the discussion on best practices for those challenged with interpreting unconventional diagnostics. The paper utilizes the concept of permeability to validate traditional minimum stress interpretations across multiple reservoir conditions by comparing DFIT fracture closure time permeability estimates with core, pressure buildup, after-closure pressure, and rate transient analysis. This author was able to further support the results by the integration of a wide range of diagnostic technologies such as fiber optics, microseismic, and, among others, DFIT numerical inversions shared through eight case histories. Diagnostic Injections, a Long History Made Short One of the few ways to begin a conversation with a reservoir is by pumping treated fluid at fracturing rates and analyzing how the pressure falls off with time after the injection is stopped. The language for such dialogue and information exchange is formed by the dimensionless time function called “G-function” and was introduced by Ken Nolte in 1979. Nolte’s innovative postulations allowed our industry to determine the expected frac geometry, its conductivity, the formation flow capacity, and the optimum hydraulic fracture design as well as the means necessary to place the treatment. Recently introduced into industry literature is the proposed fracture closure pressure interpretation based on the fracture compliance method, interpreting an earlier, higher-stress estimation than estimates from well‑established methodologies. The practitioner is now faced with the dilemma of finding out which fracture closure interpretation technique is correct since this has a profound impact on how fracture geometry is modeled and optimized. To answer this question, a multibasin analysis of pre-frac tests from the Russia, North Sea, Europe, North Africa, and South America regions was undertaken.
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