This paper presents a comparative evaluation of the performance of Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm applied to in-core fuel management of the DNRR research reactor. Two GA variants corresponding to two selection operators, i.e., tournament (GA1) and roulette wheel (GA2) selections, respectively, with two-point crossover and scramble mutation were implemented for the ICFM problem. A comprehensive survey of the GA control parameters such as population size, crossover-type, mutation probability, and elitist archive size has been conducted to optimize the performance of the GAs. The basic DE was implemented with a standard mutation strategy DE/rand/1/bin. Numerical computations were performed based on the DNRR research reactor core loaded with 100 highly enriched uranium fuel (HEU) bundles for evaluating the performance of the GA and DE algorithms. Two main objectives were included in the fitness function to maximize the fuel cycle length and flatten the power distribution. The performance of the two GA variants and the basic DE was investigated with the same population size, fitness function, and convergence criterion. Each method was performed with 50 independent runs, and the best fitness values were collected for statistical analysis using Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney tests in comparison among the three methods. The statistical analysis shows that the performance of GA1 with tournament selection and DE are not significantly different and are better than GA2 with roulette wheel selection. DE is stable and efficient in exploring the search space to approach the global optimal solution in most runs. While, GA1 and GA2 were trapped at local optima by about 26% and 38%, respectively. However, the best solutions obtained with GA1 and GA2 after 50 independent runs are better than that obtained with DE in term of fitness values. This suggests an improvement of the basic DE is needed to maintain the potential good solutions during the evolution process.
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