The Inquire about on Buyer Lawful Security within the deal and buy assention through an electronic framework points to discover out how the legitimacy of the deal assention through an electronic framework and how the shape of legitimate assurance of buyers for misfortunes due to harm to merchandise obtained through an electronic. By the assention between the seller and the buyer within the deal and buy understanding, they have the rights and commitments. This investigate strategy utilize Library Research Strategy and the inquire about carried out within the library, where information is gotten from availeble information by perusing, considering books, laws and relations, magazines, logical paper, lawful word references and so on. Based on the strategy utilized, the comes about of this think about demonstrate that the legitimacy of the deal and purchaseagreement through an electronic framework still considers the legitimacy of the assention as Article 1230 KUHP of the Respectful Code, specifically assention of both parties, where both parties are able in doing lawful activity and cause-effect which is lawfull. Buyer's legitimate security for misfortunes due to harm to merchandise obtained through electronic frameworks is preventive assurance and oppressive security, the buyer who endured the misfortune casue for loss or claim the substitution of the harmed merchandise with products of the same brand.