Introduction One of the major expectations concerning stimulation strategies that incorporate temporal fine structure is an improved perception of pitch (Smith et al., 2002). The first such coding strategy that is commercially available is the fine structure processing strategy implemented in the OPUS sound processor family (MED-EL, Austria). This strategy is based on the concept of channel-specific sampling sequences (CSSS) (Arnoldner et al., 2007). In CSSS, the zero crossings within several apical band-pass channels trigger a sequence of stimulation pulses. Thus, each fine structure channel explicitly encodes the instantaneous withinchannel frequency. A different approach is used in the concept of coherent fine structure (CFS). With CFS, the temporal fine structure information is derived from a dedicated broad-band channel and presented simultaneously on multiple apical electrodes (Zierhofer 2009; Zierhofer et al., 2009). Subjectively, cochlear implant users usually report an overall downshift of pitch when they switch from envelope-based strategies like continuous interleaved sampling (CIS) to fine-structure-based strategies. Since the very first perception with a CIS processor at hook-up is mostly that of a high-pitched machinelike voice, this shift can be regarded as a step in the right direction. In the current study, this pitch shift was explored in two distinct fine structure strategies, one based on CSSS and the other on CFS.
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