Introduction. The influence of vegetable additives: сavbuz (a hybrid of watermelon and pumpkin) puree and flour of non–alkaloid lupine on the nutritional and biological value of wheat bread, its sorption capacity in relation to toxic lead ions was studied. Materials and methods. Content of following substances was determined: proteint by Bradford method; starch by polarimetric method; fat by exhaustive extraction with chemically pure hexane; vitamins E, P (rutin), β–carotene colorimetrically; vitamin C titrimetrically; В1, В2 fluorometrically; fiber by acid hydrolysis; pectin by the calcium–pectate method; te amount of lead absorbed by “wet burning” method. Results and discussion. Cavbuz puree is a rich source of substances with antioxidant activity: β-carotene, 13.4 mg, Р (rutin), 45.4 mg, phenolic compounds, 283.23 mg, as well as natural food sorbents such as fiber 1.7% and pectin, 1.5% per 100 g of product with moisture content 83.1%. According to sensory and physico-chemical characteristics, cavbuz puree may be used as a component in the manufacturing of health products. Lupine flour contains 3.9 times more protein, 40 times more fiber, 10.5 pectin substances compared to wheat flour; a significant amount of tocopherols, 12.8 mg, β-carotene, 0.52 mg, vitamin C, 35.84 mg per 100 g of product with moisture content 9.5%. The inclusion of 4-7% of lupine flour and 3–5% of cavbus puree in the recipe of wheat bread, makes it possible to obtain bread for health purposes, in which the protein content is 22–32%, fiber content is two to three times higher, tocopherols are 9 times higher than in control, provided that the physico-chemical and organoleptic parameters of the product are acceptable. 100 g of developed bread provides 23% of the minimum rate of pectin consumption, 6% of the daily need for vitamin E; 13.8% in В1, 14% in β–carotene; 6.6% in flavonoids, which are absent in wheat bread. Enriched bread has a 25–30 times higher sorption capacity for toxic divalent lead ions than wheat bread. Conclusions. It is recommended to use of cavbuz puree and flour of non–alkaloid lupine varieties for the production of wheat bread with increased nutritional value.