EQUIVALENT GRAPHICAL SOLUTIONS OFTERMINATED CONJUGATELY CHARACTERISTIC-IMPEDANCE TRANSMISSION LINES WITH NON-NEGATIVE AND CORRESPONDING NEGATIVE CHAR-ACTERISTIC RESISTANCESD. Torrungrueng and S. LamultreeDepartment of Electrical and Electronic EngineeringFaculty of Engineering and TechnologyAsian UniversityChon Buri, 20250, ThailandAbstract—This paper presents the graphical solutions of conjugatelycharacteristic-impedance transmission lines (CCITLs) implemented byperiodically loaded lossless transmission lines (TLs), which can exhibitboth non-negative (NNCR) and negative characteristic resistances(NCR) with the corresponding propagation constants. The standardT-chart and the extended T-chart are employed to solve CCITLproblems with NNCR and NCR cases respectively, depending on theargument of CCITL characteristic impedances. The range of plottingof the standard T-chart and the extended T-chart is always insideor on the unit circle, and always outside or on the unit circle of thevoltage reflection coefficient plane, respectively. Two examples of finiteperiodicTLstructuresprovidingbothNNCRandNCRcasesaregiven.It is found that both T-charts provide the same input impedance ofthe corresponding CCITLs as expected, and the standard T-chart ismore familiar and easier to deal with.1. INTRODUCTIONOne class of transmission lines (TLs), called conjugately characteristic-impedance transmission lines (CCITLs), has been introduced recentlyin the literature [1–7]. By definition, a CCITL possesses conjugatecharacteristic impedances
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