AbstractWe consider a critical Fortuin–Kasteleyn (FK) percolation with cluster weight $$q \in [1,4)$$ q ∈ [ 1 , 4 ) in the plane, and color its clusters in red (respectively blue) with probability $$r \in (0,1)$$ r ∈ ( 0 , 1 ) (respectively $$1-r$$ 1 - r ), independently of each other. We study the resulting fuzzy Potts model, which corresponds to the critical Ising model in the special case $$q=2$$ q = 2 and $$r=1/2$$ r = 1 / 2 . We show that under the assumption that the critical FK percolation converges to a conformally invariant scaling limit (which is known to hold for the FK-Ising model,i.e. $$q=2$$ q = 2 ), the obtained coloring converges to variants of Conformal Loop Ensembles constructed, described and studied by Miller, Sheffield and Werner. Based on discrete considerations, we also show that the arm exponents for this coloring in the discrete model are identical to the ones of the continuum model. Using the values of these arm exponents in the continuum, we determine the arm exponents for the fuzzy Potts model.
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