We show that degree-d block-symmetric polynomials in n variables modulo any odd p correlate with parity exponentially better than degree-d symmetric polynomials, if $${n \ge cd^2 {\rm log} d}$$nźcd2logd and $${d \in [0.995 \cdot p^t - 1,p^t)}$$dź[0.995·pt-1,pt) for some $${t \ge 1}$$tź1 and some $${c > 0}$$c>0 that depends only on p. For these infinitely many degrees, our result solves an open problem raised by a number of researchers including Alon & Beigel (IEEE conference on computational complexity (CCC), pp 184---187, 2001). The only previous case for which this was known was d = 2 and p = 3 (Green in J Comput Syst Sci 69(1):28---44, 2004). The result is obtained through the development of a theory we call spectral analysis of symmetric correlation, which originated in works of Cai et al. (Math Syst Theory 29(3):245---258, 1996) and Green (Theory Comput Syst 32(4):453---466, 1999). In particular, our result follows from a detailed analysis of the correlation of symmetric polynomials, which is determined up to an exponentially small relative error when $${d = p^t-1}$$d=pt-1.
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