A high-resolution numerical procedure designed to simulate three-dimensional nonideal magnetogasdynamic (MGD) phenomena on complex cone gurations is extended to enhance computational efe ciency and physical e delity.Alooselycoupledapproximatelyfactoredimplicitmethod isdevelopedtoovercometime-stepsizelimitations of explicit methods. A sub-iteration strategy is included to recover up to second-order time accuracy. Verie cation exercises, covering wave propagation and diffusion phenomena, are presented to demonstrate accuracy and characterize the efe ciency of the numerical procedure. Because the aerodynamic environment will exhibit relatively small electrical conductivities and large compensatory magnetic e elds, a low magnetic Reynolds number Reae formulation and its solution procedure are described and verie ed by considering MGD-control of a compressible, laminar e at-plate boundary layer at different interaction parameters. A two-equation k-≤ turbulence model with low-Reynolds-number near-wall terms is incorporated with additional expressions to reproduce the damping effect of the magnetic e eld. The effect of a magnetic dipole on a supersonic turbulent e at-plate boundary layer is examined. An exploratory study of MGD control of e ow past a classic reentry vehicle cone guration demonstrates the capabilities of the numerical scheme.
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