"Bihar is endowed with rich water resources due to the high precipitation, extensive river basin network, and alluvial aquifer with significant storage space for groundwater. Majority of its population is dependent on agriculture and related activities for their sustenance. However, there is uneven distribution of groundwater potentials due to variability of rainfall. Although evidence at the aggregate level indicates the under-utilization of groundwater resources in Bihar, there are few areas with depleting groundwater levels as well. This is indicated by the increase in the over-exploited and critical blocks from zero per cent to 1.5 and 2.2 per cent respectively. Irrigation being the predominant consumer of groundwater bears the prime responsibility of using this resource sustainably. Presently, groundwater irrigates 63% of the net irrigated area and its share has been rising. Various studies on water quality and quantity indicate that Bihar may experience severe scarcity of water in the nearby future. Water shortages will become chronic in this water surplus condition, necessitating quick remedial measures to conserve and protect this vital water supply. As groundwater is largely underutilized, there exists a huge scope to accelerate sustainable use of groundwater for harnessing a positive groundwater-agricultural development linkage. The untapped groundwater resource should be utilized by private and government agencies for irrigation."