LONDON. Royal Society, Nov. 5.—Sir F. Gowland Hopkins and K. A. C. Elliott: The relation of glutathione to cell respiration with special reference to hepatic tissue. The relative capacity of various mammalian tissues to reduce the disulphide form of glutathione under anaerobic conditions has been determined. The course of the oxidation of the thiol group during the survival respiration of the hepatic tissue of various animals has been followed. That the concentration of certain metabolites in the liver is wholly, or in part, responsible for the maintenance and amount of reduction is shown by the effects of administering or withholding food. In general the initial marked delay in the disappearance of the – SH group during aeration is observed only in the liver of well-fed animals; after relatively brief periods of fasting it is much lessened and may not be observed. If extra glutathione in the disulphide form be added to the freshly excised tissue before aeration, the existence of residual active hydrogen is revealed. In spite of vigorous aeration the concentration of – SH then rises during the earlier periods of survival, though ultimately the whole is oxidised. The amount of this extra pressure-head of hydrogen consistently differs in the livers of different species. The origin of the active hydrogen which reduces the disulphide grouping is at present unknown. The transport of hydrogen to molecular oxygen by the path in question, though representing but a small part of the total respiration, may, therefore, prove to represent a specialised and significant aspect of tissue oxidations.—Lord Rutherford and C. D. Ellis: The origin of γ-rays. Calculations are made of the probability of escape of the α-particles from radium C and of the average tune of transition of the γ-particle for different energies of the γ-ray. The strongest γ-ray group, which corresponds to the emission of a β- or γ-ray of energy l.426 × 106 volts, represents an abnormal mode of transition compared with other groups. The time of transition is very long, and it may be, as suggested by R. H. Fowler, that the transition is radiationless, the surplus energy being directly transferred to one or more of the outer electrons of the atom. Many of the lines in the β-ray spectrum may be a result of similar radiationless transitions. In explanation of the complicated γ-ray spectrum of radium C it is suggested that more than one α-particle in the nucleus may occupy the same energy level.—A. V. Hill: Myothermic experiments on the frog's gastrocnemius. An arrangement is described by which the ‘initial’ heat set free in the contraction of a frog's gastrocnemius can be measured in absolute units. A single fine thermocouple of constantan-iron is employed, the ‘hot’ junction lying inside the muscle. It may be applied to single twitches, to groups of twitches, or to tetani up to 25 seconds in duration. The mean value of Tl/H, the isometric heat coefficient in a twitch, is 13.4. This is twice the mean value found in sartorii. The difference is due to the fact that in gastrocnemii the fibres, or parallel fibre bundles, run, on the average, only half the length of the muscle. A modification is described of the method recently suggested by Bozler of “calibrating” by condenser discharges. This is far simpler and more accurate than the old method employing an alternating current. The specific heats of muscle and blood have been determined. For a given water content they are the same. The density of a tissue depends upon the amount of solid it contains. This provides a simple and accurate method of measuring, without the labour of drying and weighing, the percentage of solid in a muscle.
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