WCN 2013 No: 1900 Topic: 3 — Stroke Central obesity in the poorest region in Chile R.J. Rivas, C.A. Klapp, C.A. Daroch, H.M. Vasquez. Neurology Department, Universidad de La Frontera, Chile; Stroke Unit, Clinica Alemana de Temuco, Temuco, Chile; Neurology Department, Clinica Alemana de Temuco, Temuco, Chile; Nutrition Department, Clinica Alemana de Temuco, Temuco, Chile Background: Stroke is the first most common specific cause of death in Chile, since 2008. The increased risk in our region is explained by the prevalence of poverty, diabetes, a sedentary lifestyle and overweight. Object: Is to assess the waist circumference (WC) in Clinica Alemana Temuco, during January 2011 to March 2013, in patients with a stroke. Methods: We evaluated patients with a stroke diagnosis, in our primary Stroke Unit, who were hospitalized for ≥72 h. Waist circumference (WC) was measured according to WHO's recommendations, by two nutritionists. The study patients were divided into 3 groups according to WC for cardiovascular risk, low risk (LR): b94 cm (men); b80 cm (women); moderate risk (MR): 94–102 cm (men); 80–88 cm (women); and high risk (HR): N102 cm (men); N88 cm (women). We obtained a diagnosis of central obesity (CO) using NCEP-ATP-III criteria. Results: 81 patients were included. 48 were males (59.3%). Men mean aged: 62 years (32–89), mean WC: 103.9 (SD: ±9.9). BMI: 29. LR: 14.6%, MR: 37.5%, HR: 47.9% (CO). Women mean age: 57.4 years (35–81). Mean WC: 102.3 (SD: ±13.6), BMI: 29.9. LR: 3%; MR: 15.2%; HR: 81.8% (CO). Total sample corresponds to LR: 9.9%, MR: 28.4%; and HR: 61.7% (CO). Conclusion: Central obesity is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. This series of cases only shows that the problem is very important in Chile. The obesity and central obesity are epidemic. We should perform behaviors to lower these indicators, with much education and government guidelines. doi:10.1016/j.jns.2013.07.921 Abstract — WCN 2013 No: 2198 Topic: 3 — Stroke Preliminary evaluation of diffusion kurtosis imaging in acute stroke patients WCN 2013 No: 2198 Topic: 3 — Stroke Preliminary evaluation of diffusion kurtosis imaging in acute stroke patients Y.-L. Guo, S.-J. Li, P. Zhe Sun, R.-H. Wu. Department of Radiology, The Second Affiliated Hospital, Shantou University Medical College, Shantou, China; Athinoula A. Martinos Center, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Aims: To translate and evaluate diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) in stroke patients. Methods: Four patients underwent DKI and conventional MRI (including T1WI, T2WI, FLAIR and DWI) using a GE 1.5T HDx echo speed plus an MRI scanner. Mean kurtosis (MK), radial kurtosis (Kr) and axial kurtosis (Ka) were derived using DKI software in GE ADW4.3 workstation. Fourteen regions of interest (ROI) were outlined in infarction regions of stroke patients, including 2 ROIs in super-acute, 3 ROIs in acute, 6 ROIs in subacute and 3 ROIs in chronic lesions. The stroke duration was determined from onset time and DWI signal intensity. Stroke prognosis was evaluated by follow-upMRI and clinical manifestations. Results: During super-acute stroke, regions of hyperintensive MK and Kr progressed to infarction with mild bleeding without noticeable DWI and ADC abnormalities. For the case of sub-acute stroke, DKI (MK and Kr) appeared hypointensive without significant change in DWI and ADC maps. In addition, 10 ROIs showed abnormality in both DKI and DWI/ADC maps. Conclusions: DKI displayed contrast different from the standard DWI and ADC maps. DKI remains promising to address false negative signals in the standard DWI and ADC maps, and complement existing stroke MRI for improved stroke diagnosis. doi:10.1016/j.jns.2013.07.922 Abstract — WCN 2013 No: 2301 Topic: 3 — Stroke Predictors of pneumonia in acute stroke inpatients in emergency unit WCN 2013 No: 2301 Topic: 3 — Stroke Predictors of pneumonia in acute stroke inpatients in emergency unit S.R. Almeida, M. Bahia, F.O. Lima, T.A.M.O. Cardoso, I. Paschoal, L.M. Li, Neurovascular Disease. Neurology, University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil; Medical Pathophysiology Department, University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil; Medical Clinic, University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil Background: Pneumonia is a serious complication in acute stroke patients. Several mechanisms might be implicated including impairment of the immune system and aspiration. The analyses of clinical predictors are useful to guide the clinical management and to adopt preventive measures in order to improve the patients' outcome. Objective: To determine the independent predictors of pneumonia in patients with acute stroke. Methods: This is a retrospective study from July to December 2011. All patients admitted with a diagnosis of stroke in an academic medical center were included. We review all the medical charts and Abstracts / Journal of the Neurological Sciences 333 (2013) e215–e278 e236
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