The requirements for space-based integrated circuit applications are defined with an emphasis on being radiation tolerant and low power consuming. Flexible analog signal processors (FASPs) are outlined as a means by which effective circuit designs can be utilized to perform a multitude of tasks. The development of complementary III-V technologies have been proven to meet the demands of the space environment, and have demonstrated the potential for frequency operation beyond 1 GHz using power supply voltages at or below 1.5 Volts. The novel fabrication process known as Xs-MET (pronounced kismet, which uses the Creek letter chi, X, and stands for Complementary Heterostructure Integrated Single Metal Transistor), is introduced as a manufacturing technique to be used in FASP design. The Xs-MET fabrication process is outlined with preliminary device results presented. An example of a FASP circuit design using Xs-MET is provided. Conclusions regarding the utilization of the Xs-MET process for FASPs are outlined with comments focusing on a space-based demonstration.