Abstract Background Migraines attacks cause great suffering in individual patients. There is great unfulfilled potential to increase patients’ knowledge about various personal triggers and subsequent treatments. The objective of this study is to pilot test an e-Health tool that aims to increase migraine patients’ knowledge. It takes into account personal preferences and contributes to informed decision-making in choosing the appropriate method. Considering the shortage of primary care physicians and other health care providers, such an e-Health tool could be of great value. Methods lessmigraine.nl consists of a website with information plus an electronic decision aid. It was evaluated on its content, development process and effectiveness, and its contribution to the patients’ empowerment process. A first round of usability testing was done using semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis with 12 patients from a Dutch General Practice until data saturation. After minor improvements to the e-tool, in a first implementation step subsequently 85 patients used the e-tool. Results Patients’ expectations were exceeded in terms of the content of the e-Health tool, as all patients discovered new potential migraine triggers. Most patients found the tool effective in the sense that it provided enough information to decide on an appropriate treatment. The implementation was successful in the sense that all 85 participants completed the e-tool. Most important triggers were stress, sleeping problems, changes in weather and flickering or bright light. Conclusions The majority of the migraine patients were satisfied with the e-Health tool. It enlarged their knowledge of prevention and treatment options and therefore empowered them in their decision-making process and communication with their GP. Other aspects of implementation need to be studied. This study needs to be repeated in other clinical settings. Key messages • Migraines cause great suffering in individual patients: Considering the shortage of primary care physicians and other health care providers, an e-Health tool could be of great value. • The e-Health tool increases patients’ knowledge about migraine, including personal triggers and subsequent treatments.
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