Women's empowerment is a good step to develop and improve women's competencies, especially for housewives. This research examines the process of community empowerment in recycled waste management in Kelurahan II Ilir, with a focus on the Kebumen Gemilang Sejahtera (KGS) Waste Bank. There are five main processes observed, namely enabling, strengthening, protecting, supporting, and maintaining which are used to create a supportive climate, increase knowledge and skills, and encourage community independence and innovation in waste management for housewives. The method used is analytic descriptive qualitative method. The qualitative research method is considered capable of describing the process of empowering housewives by the KGS Waste Bank. As a result, the community, especially housewives, managed to develop skills in waste management, become independent and innovative, and can spread their knowledge to other parties. This empowerment program has succeeded in creating a positive impact in protecting the environment and improving the welfare of the community.
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