"Command-and-control is not only a combat function, but also a system that encompasses personnel, processes, communication and information system/ CIS, as well as command posts/CPs, used to lead the tactical activities of the Land Task Force/LTF, in particular, and of any force structure, in general. Command-and-control, more than any of the combat functions, will decisively influence the outcome of military action. In order to develop the present article, we have used a series of analysis and scientific research methods specific to sociology, but with applicability in the field of military science. For the analysis of command-and-control as a combat function, we have used the data collection method as well as the historical method to show what the roots of the mission command in military art history are. Subsequently, using the analysis method, we have managed to present the most important aspects regarding the organisation of the command-andcontrol system of the LTFs as well as a “code of good practices” regarding the organisation of the Battle Rhythm/BR and the decision-making during the execution of military activities. An efficient command-and-control of the LTFs during military activities is the result of the compliance with the principles of command and control and the harmonisation of the staff processes carried out within the CPs deployed during military actions, in order to optimise the understanding – analysis – planning/ synchronisation – decision – dissemination decision-making cycle."
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