Experimental studies have shown that combustor temperature nonuniformities, or hot can significantly affect the heating of first-stage rotor blading in turbines. In addition, it has been observed that these hot streaks are not constant in time, but rather fluctuate with instabilities within the combustor. The timedependent variations in the combustor generate not only positive temperature differences from the free stream, but negative as well (i.e., streaks). The unsteady cyclic thermal loading of the blading can degrade turbine durability and efficiency. To investigate this phenomenon, twodimensional unsteady Navier-Stokes simulations have been performed for the 1-1/2 stages of a high-pressure turbine operating in subsonic flow with unsteady hot streaks introduced at the inlet. BPF fm N P RS. 5.5. T TO NOMENCLATURE Blade passing frequency Normalized hot streak frequency Rotor blade passing frequency Static Pressure Pressure surface Suction surface Static temperature SUBSCRIPTS amp Amplitude of fluctuation Base Nominal value c Cold flow HS Hot streak t Stagnation quantity 0 Stator-1 inlet quantity 3 Stator-2 exit quantity INTRODUCTION In the drive for improved fuel economy and cycle efficiency combustor exit temperatures have risen to a point where they can locally exceed the maximum allowable metal temperatures of the blading by 50 to 100°F. Experimental data taken from gas turbine combustors have shown large temperature gradients in both the radial and circumferential directions [1]. These gradients vary both spatially and temporally, and result from the combined effects of the combustor core flow, combustor bypass flow, and combustor surface cooling flow. These combustor hot can typically have temperatures 1.2 to 2.5 times that of the free stream flow [2]. It has also been experimentally observed that the combustor exit flow not only contains positive temperature gradients but negative as well, resulting in The positive temperature gradients are caused by the combustion process, while the negFree stream static temperature w/o H&tive gradients arise because of the combustor Phase * Associate Professor, Senior Member AIAA. ^Graduate Research Assistant. Copyright ©2001 by The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. coolant flows. Roback and Bring [3. 4] showed that cold streaks tend to migrate to the rotor suction surface, whereas hot streaks will tend to migrate towards the rotor pressure surface. This fundamental condition exists because the incidence and velocity variations associated with a American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (c)2001 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization. AIAA-2001-0525 cold streak are opposite those associated with a hot streak. While there have been numerous experimental (e.g., Refs. [1, 3, 4, 5]) and numerical studies (e.g., Refs. [6, 7, 8, 9]) of the effects of hot streaks, less effort has been given to the study of the combined effects of unsteady cold and hot streaks. In order to achieve a better understanding of the combined effects of hot streak/cold streak cogeneration a numerical study has been devised in which a streak with time-dependent temperature variations is introduced into the inlet flow of a 1-1/2 stage axial turbine. Using the geometry of the United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) Large Scale Rotating Rig (LSRR), simulations have been performed in which timevarying temperature profiles were introduced at the entrance to the first-stage stator and traced throughout the stage. The study involved varying the frequency of the time-dependent temperature variations.