The temperature field cloud map (TFCM) is a color temperature contour map that can represent grain temperature distribution of bulk grain in a lagre storage facility (grain warehouse). The analysis of temporal variation characteristics of temperature field cloud maps can assist to analyze the changes of grain temperatures to monitor grain conditions changes. Wherein the temporal correlation coefficient is a type of variation characteristic of temperature field cloud maps at time domain. This research established a temporal correlation coefficients model of grain temperature for different grain warehouses storing paddy, wheat and maize in different provinces of China. That features of TFCM were extracted include the color coherence vector (CCV), LBP feature vector (LBP), gray level co-occurrence matrix vector (GLCMV), RGB feature vector (RGBV) and LAB feature vector (LABV), which were combined successively as the model input. The RMSEs between the correlation coefficients calculated by the model and that calculated by the measured grain temperatures in these planes were analyzed. The results show that the RMSEs of models with different vector combinations as input were different, and the RMSEs were all less than 0.001. Therefore, the five feature combinations could be used as the model input. Afterwards, distribution of temporal correlation coefficients of temperature field cloud maps from different warehouses were analyzed. The results show that in the XOY, XOZ and YOX planes of grain warehouses, temporal correlation coefficients (in the range (0.98, 1)) proportion of temperature field cloud maps were more than 95%, 85% and 82%, respectively.