В статье рассматривается вклад великого князя Н.К. Романова в научное изучение Туркестанского края на рубеже XIX-XX вв. На основе архивных документов раскрывается роль Н.К. Романова в экспедиционном исследовании Туркестанского края, развитии сельского хозяйства, ирригации и хлопководства. Впервые анализируется его вклад в научной и общественной сферах деятельности, принципы формировании им личной библиотеки. Находясь в ссылке, он собрал богатый материал по флоре, фауне, географии и этнографии края. Рассматриваются научные работы Н.К. Романова: «О выборе кратчайшего направления Среднеазиатской железной дороги», «Пески Кара-кум по отношению к Среднеазиатской железной дороге», «Опыт облесения песков Каракума», «Аму и Узбой». Благотворительная деятельность князя снискала ему заслуженное уважение в среде ученых. The article is devoted to the study of the contribution of Grand Duke Nikolay Konstantinovich Romanov in the scientific research of the Turkestan region at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Based on archival documents, the article outlines the role of N.K. Romanov in the expeditionary study of the Turkestan region, the development of agriculture, irrigation and cotton growing. After his return from the Khiva campaign, Grand Duke N.K. Romanov became seriously interested in orientalism and joined the Russian Imperial Geographical Society as an honorary member. In 1874, by decree of the Emperor, N.K. Romanov was expelled from the imperial capital, stripped of all ranks, awards and was struck off the lists of the military regiment. The role of the personality of the Grand Duke in the formation of his personal library, as well as his scientific and social activities' impact on this book collection, is considered for the first time. Grand Duke N.K. Romanov collected his personal library to improve his own cultural and educational level, research interests, educational, leisure and even commercial tasks. The library contained books and manuscripts written by N.K. Romanov on the results of scientific expeditions to the Turkestan region. Acquaintance with the heritage of N.K. Romanov reveals a wide range of scientific problems that interested him. Being in the exile, he collected extensive material on the flora, fauna, geography and ethnography of the region. The results of the expeditions initiated by the Grand Duke at his own expense were so significant, that they attracted the attention of wide scientific and public communities as well as the Russian Imperial Geographical Society. The article considers the scientific works of N.K. Romanov: “On the choice of the shortest direction of the Central Asian railway”, “The sands of the Kara-Kum in relation to the Central Asian railway”, “The experience of afforestation of the sands of the Karakum”, “Amu and Uzboy”. The charitable activities of N.K. Romanov earned him well-deserved respect among scientists. The materials were presented at the XVIII All-Russian (with international participation) Scientific Conference “Man, Communities, States in Social and Humanitarian Research”, which was held on April 19-21, 2023 at the Tomsk State University.
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