It is well known that various processes of generationand transformation of a nonlinear internal wave (IW)occur on the shelves of oceans and seas [1–5]. A longIW (in most cases, of tidal origin) propagates over theshelf to the coast and usually transforms nonlinearly,leading to the generation of solitary or soliton-like IWs.In this case, one can see an interesting effect related tothe specific waveguide of IWs on the shelf, which canbe called the effect of polarity change of IW amplitude.It is known from observations that intense IWs propa-gating in the pycnocline near the sea surface attain theform of depression waves (the wave profiles havesmooth crests and sharp troughs). In contrast, IWs inthe bottom thermocline with smooth troughs and sharpcrests resemble elevation waves [1]. A specific propertyof the shelf is the fact that it can include two regions ofpossible existence of IWs of different polarities. Theseregions are divided by the so-called overturning point(in reality, it is a more or less elongated zone). This is apoint on the shelf where the pycnocline is located atequal distances from the sea surface and bottom (i.e., itis located in the middle of the water column). All IWspropagating from deeper regions to the shore necessar-ily pass this point. As this takes place, the depressionwaves are transformed to elevation waves (Fig. 1).In 1982, the effect of polarity change in the IWamplitude was observed for the first time in Russianwaters on the shelf of the Sea of Japan [1, 6]. A fewyears later, similar observations were carried out in theEast Mediterranean [7]. New interesting data on theobservation of this effect were recently obtained in theSouth China Sea [8]. Progress was gained in modelingof the process discussed here. Numerical modeling ofthe modified Korteweg de Vries equation (or Gardnerequation) allows us to find some peculiarities of thetransformation of solitary negative waves to positivewaves for the case of two-layer stratification describedin [9]. At the overturning point, the coefficient of qua-dratic nonlinearity α turns to zero. However, the coeffi-cient of cubic nonlinearity starts to play its role, whichcan be either positive or negative depending on theform of density stratification. The influence of the signof cubic nonlinearity on the transformation of a longIW in the overturning region was studied in [10].Our work shows field data compared with detailednumerical modeling and includes two interrelatedstages. At the first stage, we present the results of rareobservations of an intense IW that passes the overturn-ing point obtained in our observations in the summerseason on the Pacific shelf of Kamchatka. At the secondstage, we studied the entire process of the transforma-tion of an IW of negative polarity to a wave of positivepolarity using numerical modeling. Actually measuredparameters of the observed IW and the medium of itstransition were used as the model parameters.OBSERVATION DATADuring the investigations on the Pacific shelf ofKamchatka in the summertime (the observations werecarried out in August 1990), we recorded several inter-esting examples of intense IWs propagating in the ther-mocline located close to the middle of the water col-umn. The measurements were made from a shipanchored at a depth of 33 m at a distance of 1 km fromthe coast. The ship was equipped with a spatial antennaof three 20-m-long line temperature sensors (LTS)located at the corners of triangle with sides equal to 25,27, and 46 m. Each LTS placed vertically covered thetemperature interface layer within levels from 7 to 27 m.Such an antenna allows us to measure the direction ofIW transition, wavelength, and velocity of its transition[11, 12]. We also used a CTD profiler for obtaininginformation about the location of the pycnocline. Insome cases, we operated in the continuous profiling
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