7. PTERIDIUM AQUILINUM (L.) Kuhn var. IATIUSCULUM (Desv.) Underw. ex Heller-In open rocky woods, McKim's Beach, 14 Sept. 1961, S 9332. Sight records: Barrie Is., Bluejay Creek, Cape Robert, Christina Bay, Cook's Dock, Dean Bay, Evansville, Frechette Bay, Gore Bay, Green Bay, High Hill, Honora, Ice Lake, James Bay, Kaboni, Manitou Lake, 5 & 8 miles SW of Manitowaning, Marsh Lake, Mindemoya, Mississagi Strait, Mud Lake, Perch Lake, Poole Lake, Providence Bay, Roberts Bay to Thomas Bay, Silver Lake, Silverwater, Sounding Cove, South Baymouth, West Bay, Windfall Lake; Cockburn Is.; Great, Outer, and Western Duck Islands; Baie Fine; Killarney. Bracken occurs almost everywhere in the district and is abundant. Other collections: Providence Bay, Wekwemikongsing, and Cockburn Is., C. 0. Grassl 5859, 5877 4 5879 (MICH); 2 miles NW of Manitowaning, H. H. Brown 5579 (TRT); Fossil Hill, K. K. Irizawa 134 (TRT). 8. CRYPTOGRAMMA STrLLERI (S. G. Gmel.) Prantl-On rocks of escarpment overlooking West Bay, 26 July 1956, S 4. F 6607; rock face of wooded ridge, Mud Lake, 5 July 1957, S & G 7164; mossy crevices of limestone in shady woods 8 miles SW of Manitowaning, 7 June 1959, S 4 H 8444; mossy crevices of limestone cliffs at top of escarpment, 1 mile N of Green Bay, 15 July 1959, S 4 H 8779; crevices of limestone cliff, East Bluff, 1 mile NE of Gore Bay, 24 July 1959, S 4 H 8973. Sight records: Cook's Dock, Evansville, Ice Lake, Manitowaning, Michael Bay, Mindemoya. The Slender Cliff-brake is locally abundant on cliff faces and shaded limestone ridges. Other collections: Gore Bay, Battery Bluff and near Rattlesnake Harbour, C. O. Grassl 1517, 1636, 4 5889 (MICH); High Falls, Pease Ogden 25059 (GH, TRT); 2 miles N of Murphy Point, Senn 4. Lindsay 5437 (DAO, TRT). Reported from McLeod Harbour on Cockburn Island by Bell (1870), as Allosorus gracilis; the specimen which I have seen from Bell's collection at Carleton University (CCO), labelled Is. may have been taken on Cockburn Island. 9. ADIANTUM PEDATUM L.-I have seen the Maidenhair Fern on Manitoulin Island only once, in woods along the Manitou River near Michael Bay on 28 July 1952, in company with John Clayson. Since this species is common in most of Southern Ontario (Fig. 2) no voucher was taken at that time. Its rarity on the island was realized only later when the data were being examined for the preparation of this paper. I have also seen a specimen from a garden in Gore Bay to which the fern was said to have been trans71
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