Context. In modern terms problem of constructing of the multiprocessor systems the special value acquires the base of standard popular technologies and components. It is caused by that such systems became popular and cheap vehicle platforms for highperformance calculations. In addition, practice pulls out problems complete decision of which in most cases possibly only due to application of high-performance calculations. Consequently, a theme of constructing of the cluster multiprocessor systems for today is actual, interesting and is on the stage of the active development. At the same time, the new high-quality stage of development of the multiprocessor cluster systems lies in area of the use of new modern network technologies. Presently the problem of choice and analysis of network technologies for the module multiprocessor cluster systems did not get due development, as well as problem of reorganization of structure ofnetwork interfaceby aggregating of channels of network interface.
 Objective. An aim is in-process put improvement of structure and increase of the productivity of the multiprocessor computer system by the multidimensional aggregating of channels of network interface, adapted to the decision of tasks of the investigated class.
 Method. The task of increase of efficiency of the module multiprocessor computer system is decided due to multidimensional aggregating of channels of network interface. Offered approach allowed not only to promote efficiency of parallelization but also substantially to decrease time of calculations. Such results succeeded to be attained due to diminishing to time of border exchange of data between the calculable knots of the cluster system.
 Results. A feature offered approach is that he allowed to realize a direct exchange data between main memory of knots of the multiprocessor system, that promotes the fast-acting of calculations and provides high-speed access to memory of her slave -nodes. Thus during an exchange by data between the knots of the system the system CPU gets unloaded and loading of channel which passes between the knots of the computer system goes down, that assists diminishing of time of border exchange of data between the calculable knots of the system.
 Conclusions. The results of the conducted experiments showed that the worked out multiprocessor system was used for creation of new technological processes. So, she is used in a fluidizer intensification of the сфероидизируещего annealing of long-length steelwork. Directly the technological process of heat treatment of metal acquires such advantages, as a high yield, substantial mionectic energy consumption and allows to carry out control of technological parameters in the modes of unisothermal treatment of metal.
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