For suitable function kernels κ on a locally compact space, we develop a theory of inner pseudo-balayage ω̂A of signed (Radon) measures ω of finite energy onto a quasiclosed set A, ω̂A being defined as the solution to the problem of minimizing the Gauss functional ∫κ(x,y)d(μ⊗μ)(x,y)−2∫κ(x,y)d(μ⊗ω)(x,y),where μ ranges over all positive measures of finite energy concentrated on the set A. If A is Borel, the concept of inner pseudo-balayage ω̂A is shown to coincide with that of outer pseudo-balayage, introduced in Fuglede’s work (Fuglede, 2016), which was however only concerned with ω⩾0, whereas the investigation of signed ω requires essentially different methods and approaches. The theory of pseudo-balayage thereby established enables us to improve substantially our recent results on the well-known inner Gauss variational problem (Zorii, 2024), by strengthening their formulations and/or by extending the area of their validity. This study covers many interesting kernels in classical and modern potential theory, which looks promising for further applications.
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