For locally compact groups amenability and Kazhdan’s property ( T ) (T) are mutually exclusive in the sense that a group having both properties is compact. This is no longer true for more general Polish groups. However, a weaker result still holds for SIN groups (topological groups admitting a basis of conjugation-invariant neighbourhoods of identity): if such a group admits sufficiently many unitary representations, then it is precompact as soon as it is amenable and has the strong property ( T ) (T) (i.e., admits a finite Kazhdan set). If an amenable topological group with property ( T ) (T) admits a faithful uniformly continuous representation, then it is maximally almost periodic. In particular, an extremely amenable SIN group never has strong property ( T ) (T) , and an extremely amenable subgroup of unitary operators in the uniform topology is never a Kazhdan group. This leads to first examples distinguishing between property ( T ) (T) and property ( F H ) (FH) in the class of Polish groups. Disproving a 2003 conjecture by Bekka, we construct a complete, separable, minimally almost periodic topological group with property ( T ) (T) having no finite Kazhdan set. Finally, as a curiosity, we observe that the class of topological groups with property ( T ) (T) is closed under arbitrary infinite products with the usual product topology.