The article introduces a new class of lattice-ordered groups. An ℓ-group G is lamron if Min(G)−1 is a Hausdorff topological space, where Min(G)−1 is the space of all minimal prime subgroups of G endowed with the inverse topology. It will be evident that lamron ℓ-groups are related to ℓ-groups with stranded primes. In particular, it is shown that for a W-object (G,u), if every value of u contains a unique minimal prime subgroup, then G is a lamron ℓ-group; such a W-object will be said to have W-stranded primes. A diverse set of examples will be provided in order to distinguish between the notions of lamron, stranded primes, W-stranded primes, complemented, and weakly complemented ℓ-groups.
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