English Abstract: Starting with a general overview of integration policies based respectively on the assimilation, multicultural and intercultural model (§ 1), the essay focuses on the notion of European (Union) citizenship, from the point of view of view of its normative relevance in the EU Treaties, as well as its significance in relation to the fundamental questions of the qualification criteria and the subjective or personal scope of this notion, with regard to the problem of its conceptual autonomy (§§ 2-3). In this context, where it can be observed an autonomous foundation with a potentially open and inclusive character of European citizenship, the relationship between immigration and integration in the area of freedom, security and justice is analysed, taking into account the EU rules and the multi-annual program of the European Council (§ 4), to argue in favour of the possibility of a broad definition of European citizenship (§ 5), in the form of so-called ‘civic citizenship’, as presented by the European Commission in two communications, respectively, of 2000 and 2003; supported and re-launched later on by the European Economic and Social Committee in two opinions, respectively, from 2003 and 2014. This broad notion of European citizenship could apply, under the principle of equality, to third-country nationals (migrants and refugees) who are long-term residents in a Member State. In the last paragraph (§ 6), some final considerations are drawn, concerning the requirement of a paradigm shift, consisting of rethinking at the European level the concept of citizenship not only in terms of nationality (in relation to the citizenship of the State) but on a residential basis, in terms of the function of civic coexistence based on shared values, in the transnational common space of the Union. French Abstract: En commencant par un apercu general a propos des politiques d’integration bases respectivement sur le modele assimilationniste, multiculturelle et interculturelle (§ 1), l’essai se concentre sur la notion de citoyennete (de l’Union) europeenne, regarde du point de vue de sa pertinence normative dans les traites de l’Union, ainsi que de sa signification par rapport a les questionnes fondamentales des criteres de qualification et de la portee subjective ou personnelle de cette notion, en ce qui concerne le probleme de son autonomie conceptuelle (§§ 2-3). Dans ce contexte, ou il peut etre observe une fondation autonome avec un caractere potentiellement ouvert et inclusif de la citoyennete europeenne, la relation entre immigration et integration dans l’espace de liberte, securite et justice est analysee, en prenant en consideration les regles de l’UE et le programmes pluriannuels de le Conseil Europeen (§ 4), afin de soutenir (§ 5) la possibilite d’une definition large de citoyennete europeenne, sous la forme de la soi-disant citoyennete civile, tel que presente par la Commission Europeenne dans deux communications, respectivement, de 2000 et 2003 ; alors soutenu et relance plus tard par le Comite economique et sociale europeen dans deux opinions, respectivement, de 2003 et 2014. Cette notion large de citoyennete europeenne pourrait s’appliquer, en vertu du principe d’egalite, aux ressortissants de pays tiers (migrants et refugies) qui sont residents de longue duree dans un Etat membre. Dans le dernier paragraphe (§ 6), quelques considerations finales sont tirees, concernant l’exigence d’un changement de paradigme, consistant a repenser au niveau europeen la notion de citoyennete non plus uniquement en termes de nationalite (en relation avec la citoyennete de l’Etat), mais sur un base residentielle, en termes de fonction de coexistence civique fondee sur des valeurs partagees, dans l’espace commun transnationale de l’Union.
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