Fault-as-address-simulation (FAAS) is a simulation mechanism for testing combinations of circuit line faults, represented by the bit addresses of element logical vectors. The XOR relationship between the test set T and the truth table L of the element forms a deductive vector for fault simulation, using truth table addresses or the logic vector bits. Addresses are used in the simulation matrix to mark those n-combinations of input faults detected at the element's output. The columns of the simulation matrix are treated as n-row addresses to generate an element output row via a deductive vector. There is no transport of input faults to the element output, Only the 1-signals written in the non-input row coordinates of the circuit simulation matrix. The simulation matrix is initially filled with 1-signals along the main diagonal. The line faults detected on the test set of circuits are determined by the inverse of lines good values, which have 1-values in the matrix row corresponding to the output circuit element. The deductive vector is obtained by the XOR-relations between the test set and logical vector in three table operations. The advantage of the proposed FAAS mechanism is the predictable complexity of the algorithm and memory consumption for storing data structures when simulating a test set.
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