In Ayurveda all skin disease has been considered under the headings of Kushta. Vipadika is one among such disease which has been included under the heading of Kshudra Kushta. It is characterized by Panipada Sphutanam (fissures), Teevravedana (severe pain) either in palms or soles or in both.[1] Its symptoms can be correlated with palmar-plantar psoriasis which is a chronic skin disease which mainly affects palms and sole region and is characterized by hyperkeratosis, fissures, erythema and occasionally inflammation and pustules. In present, case report a patient with complaint of dryness and cracking of both palms associated with burning and pain in the past 2-3 years, was successfully treated with Shodana (Virechana) and Shamana Aushadhi’s like Manjishthaadi Kashya, Kaishore Gugullu and Jatyadighrit externally for a period of one month. This is an effort to show the brighter side of Ayurvedic treatment not just in alleviating the symptoms but also in improving the immune strength and causing no recurrence of disease. Shodhana helps remove the root cause of the disease, and prevent from recurrence.