Case Reports1 May 1943AMYLOIDOSIS IN CHRONIC ATROPHIC ARTHRITISWALTER M. SOLOMON, M.D.WALTER M. SOLOMON, M.D.Search for more papers by this authorAuthor, Article, and Disclosure Information SectionsAboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ExcerptSince amyloid infiltration was first brought to the attention of the medical profession by Rokitansky and the Viennese school only a few cases of amyloidosis associated with chronic arthritis have been reported. This relative sparsity of reports prompts the discussion of the following case.Amyloidosis most frequently complicates tuberculosis and other diseases in which chronic suppuration occurs, such as osteomyelitis, pulmonary abscess, pyelonephritis and others. Certain chronic diseases which lack obvious suppurative processes but have occasionally shown amyloid deposits are Hodgkin's disease, cirrhosis of the liver, leukemia and myeloma. Amyloidosis has been found also in nonsuppurative infectious diseases such as...Bibliography1. SCHNEIDERBAUER A: Amyloid and lipoid nephrosis in chronic polyarthritis, Ztschr. f. klin. Med., 1938, cxxxiii, 643-647. Google Scholar2. HARDGROVE MA: Retention of Congo red in amyloid disease, Arch. Path., 1933, xv, 238-243. Google Scholar3. REIMANNEKLUND HACM: Long continued vaccine therapy as a cause of amyloidosis, Am. Jr. Med. Sci., 1935, cxc, 88. CrossrefGoogle Scholar4. MOSCHCOWITZ E: Clinical aspects of amyloidosis, ANN. INT. MED., 1936, x, 73-78. Google Scholar5. LENGH F: Case of amyloid deposits in joints, Zentralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., 1937, lxix, 1-5. Google Scholar6. IMRIEAITKENHEAD AHAC: Amyloidosis complicating Still's disease, Lancet, 1939, ii, 421. CrossrefGoogle Scholar7. PORTIS RB: Pathology of chronic arthritis of children (Still's disease), Am. Jr. Dis. Child., 1938, lv, 1000-1017. Google Scholar8. KOLETSKYSTECHER SRM: Primary systemic amyloidosis, Arch. Path., 1939, xxvii, 267-288. Google Scholar9. FELLER F: Case of amyloid, Zentralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., 1935, lxiii, 123. Google Scholar10. MICHELSONLYNCH HEFW: Systematized amyloidosis of skin and muscles, Arch. Dermat. and Syph., 1935, xxxii, 363-369. CrossrefGoogle Scholar11. PERLAGROSS DH: Atypical amyloid disease, Am. Jr. Path., 1935, xi, 93-112. Google Scholar12. DICKLEITER GFL: Amyloidosis and hyperglobulinemia, Trans. Assoc. Am. Phys., 1937, lii, 246-249. Google Scholar13. ARNDTDOERKEN HJE: Amyloidosis in horses used in preparations of serums, Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Tierh., 1931, lxiii, 1-11. Google Scholar14. SIPOS J: Abstr. in Hajrest. Veter. Med., 1930, l, 795. Google Scholar15. LETTERER E: Studies concerning the formation of amyloid, Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., 1926, lxxv, 486-588. Google Scholar16. GRAYZELJACOBIWARSHALLBOGINBOLKER HGMHBMH: Amyloidosis, Arch. Path., 1933, xvii, 50-75. Google Scholar17. Cabot Case Record—Case 19142, Chronic arthritis with recent edema of the feet, New England Jr. Med., 1933, ccviii, 757-759. Google Scholar18. EKLUNDREIMANN CMHA: The etiology of amyloid disease, Arch. Path., 1936, xxi, 1-9. Google Scholar This content is PDF only. To continue reading please click on the PDF icon. Author, Article, and Disclosure InformationAffiliations: Cleveland, Ohio*Received for publication January 30, 1941.From the Department of Medicine of the St. Alex Hospital and the School of Medicine of Western Reserve University. PreviousarticleNextarticle Advertisement FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Metrics Cited byAmyloidoseThe kidney in rheumatoid arthritis: Studies by renal biopsyHepatic Manifestations in Secondary Amyloidosis 1 May 1943Volume 18, Issue 5Page: 846-850KeywordsAmyloidosisArthritisHodgkin lymphomaHospital medicineInfectious diseasesLiverMyelomaOsteomyelitisPulmonary diseasesPyelonephritis ePublished: 1 December 2008 Issue Published: 1 May 1943 PDF downloadLoading ...