Can children accurately date their early memories? This question has important real-life consequences such as when jurors evaluate the credibility of child eyewitness testimony in court. Answering this question is difficult given that adults present at remembered events may be inaccurate themselves in retroactively dating the memories recalled by their children, and often cannot provide reliable validation. In this study, prior to child interviews the parents of 6- to 13-year-olds provided eight memories of events with known dates, two each from when children were age 2, 3, 4, and 5 years. A total of 104 6- to 13-year-olds participated (47 % female, 70 % White and 26 % Asian or multi-ethnic), recruited from Canada (36 %) and USA (64 %). Children typically made systematic dating errors. Memories of events that had occurred when children had been age 2 were misdated by 1½ years on average, and as children’s age at the time of remembered events increased, misdating errors decreased. Errors usually involved children thinking they had been older at the time of remembered events than they actually were – a phenomenon termed ‘forward telescoping’ (versus ‘backward telescoping, when individuals think that they had been older at the time of remembered events than they actually had been). For example, many of the events from when children were age 2 were recalled by the children, but they misdated them to older ages. Although ‘age of memory’ (age of the child at the time of the remembered event) was significantly related to errors in dating, with more errors for memories from younger periods of their lives, ‘age of child’ at the time they did the memory task did not differ depending upon how old the children were. Findings have theoretical and forensic implications.
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