It is useful to think of the p-restricted modular Weyl problem in eigenvalueeeigenvector terms. This problem asks for the character of the irreducible p-version of an irreducible module V(A) for a complex semisimple Lie algebra, cf. Humphreys [6]. The eigenvalue results concern the weight lattice of the root system and especially n(A), the saturated set of weights occuring in the module. The eigenvector results are better indexed by 17,(A), the root weights. If p E D(A), then ,~l= ,I T, where r E A:, the positive cone of the root lattice of the root system. So we have p E Z7(A) iff T E n,(n). Consider, for instance, the problem of finding p-modular maximal vectors, cf. [4]. The main eigenvalue result, Kac-Weisfeiler [S], finds that a necessary condition for p E n(A) to be the weight of such a vector is that ,u be p-linked to A. This condition is ultimately descended from the shape of the Weyl character formula. The main p-restricted eigenvector result, [4], yields that a necessary condition for r E n,(A) to be the root weight of such a vector is that r be in the Kostant cone of A,‘, i.e., that r can be written as a sum of positive nonsimple roots. This condition comes from some combinatorial properties of Kostant’s partition function and Chevalley bases. For another kind of eigenvalue-eigenvector result, see Franklin [lo]. This paper, a sequel to [3], provides further foundational results for the eigenvector approach to this restricted modular Weyl problem, as well as deep insights into the combinatorial and geometrical structure of P(z), Kostant’s partition function, and its relations with structures on weight spaces in the root lattice. Let R be a root system and A:, the positive cone of the root lattice with
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