Narrative compact short overview to describe aetiopathogenesis and characteristics of pseudoaneurysms and the options for diagnostic measures, therapy and its complications. Aetiopathogenesis: via the closed access site, the puncture channel, there is continuous bleeding out of the vessel which forms a pseudoaneurysm-associated cavity within the perivascular tissue. This is not surrounded by a regular vascular wall as in true aneurysms but is only formed by the surrounding tissue structures. However, this border is not sufficient and the pseudoaneurysm may extend, with diffuse bleeding episodes into the tissue. Thus, surrounding structures such as nerves and veins can be compressed by the expanding pseudoaneurysm, which can lead to irreversible damage. Diagnostic measures: duplex ultra-sonography absolutely predominant. CT-A, MR-A and DSA for specific problems and clinical case characteristics (e.g., accompanying diseases etc.) - DSA is to be linked with the option of image-guided intervention during the same session. by manual compression and subsequent dressing with compression, ultrasound-guided compression, thrombin injection and surgical intervention, there are several therapeutic measures for appropriate selection according to the specific need. Ultrasound-guided compression should be immediately used since it is highly efficient and widely available. In addition to compression, thrombin can be injected into the pseudoaneurysm-preserving nerval structures and tissue from alterations. This provides much better occlusion rates but is more demanding. Surgical intervention is the most efficient approach to occlude a pseudoaneurysm but is demanding and can be associated with complications such as disturbances of wound healing in altered tissue and the longest hospital stay. Alternative approaches have not been established yet. The diagnostic and therapeutic management of pseudoaneurysms for different findings and patients can be considered a great challenge, and requires an experienced angiologist or vascular surgeon.