The FENE-P (Finitely-Extensible Nonlinear Elastic) dumbbell constitutive equation is widely used in simulations and stability analyses of free and wall-bounded viscoelastic shear flows due to its relative simplicity and accuracy in predicting macroscopic properties of dilute polymer solutions. The model contains three independent material parameters, which expressed in dimensionless form correspond to a Weissenberg number ( Wi ), i.e. , the ratio of the dumbbell relaxation time scale to a characteristic flow time scale, a finite extensibility parameter ( L ), corresponding to the ratio of the fully extended dumbbell length to the root mean square end-to-end separation of the polymer chain under equilibrium conditions, and a solvent viscosity ratio, commonly denoted β . An exact solution for the rheological predictions of the FENE-P model in steady simple shear flow is available (Sureshkumar et al., 1997), but the resulting nonlinear and nested set of equations do not readily reveal the key shear-thinning physics that dominates at high Wi as a result of the finite extensibility of the polymer chain. In this note we review a simple way of evaluating the steady material functions characterizing the nonlinear evolution of the polymeric contributions to the shear stress and first normal stress difference as the shear rate increases, provide asymptotic expansions as a function of Wi , and show that it is in fact possible to construct universal master curves for these two material functions as well as the corresponding stress ratio. Steady shear flow experiments on three highly elastic dilute polymer solutions of different finite extensibilities also follow the identified master curves. The governing dimensionless parameter for these master curves is Wi / L and it is only in strong shear flows exceeding Wi / L ≳ 1 that the effects of finite extensibility of the polymer chains dominate the evolution of polymeric stresses in the flow field. We suggest that reporting the magnitude of Wi / L when performing stability analyses or simulating shear-dominated flows with the FENE-P model will help clarify finite extensibility effects. • Asymptotic solutions for FENE-P model in steady shear flow are calculated. • Master curves exist for material functions of FENE-P fluids in steady shear flow. • Governing dimensionless parameter is (Weissenberg number)/(finite extensibility). • Reporting this dimensionless parameter clarifies the magnitude of nonlinear effects.
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