Women in the UK have a 15% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. Like other high-income countries, women in the UK are having children later in life which increases their risk. The risk of breast cancer is reduced by 4.3% for every 12 months of breastfeeding, this is in addition to the 7.0% decrease in risk observed for each birth. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (20%) and in carriers of BRCA1 mutations (22-55%). The mechanisms of reduced risk as a result of pregnancy are related to changes in RNA processing and cellular differentiation. The UK has a low rate of breastfeeding (81%) and this is contrasted to countries with higher (Sweden, Australia) and lower rates (Ireland). The low UK rate is in part due to a lack of experience in the population, todays grandmothers have less experience with breastfeeding (62%) than their daughters. An estimated 4.7% of breast cancer cases in the UK are caused by not breastfeeding. The UK only has 43% of maternity services with full Baby-Friendly accreditation which promotes compliance with the WHO 'Ten Steps to Successful Breast Feeding'. Legislation in the UK and Europe is far short of the WHO Guidance on restricting the advertising of formula milk. Expansion of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, stricter laws on the advertising of formula milk and legislation to support nursing mothers in the workplace have the potential to increase breastfeeding in the UK. Women with a family history of breast cancer should particularly be supported to breastfeed as a way of reducing their risk.