Self-starting and change-oriented behaviors are increasingly important in today’s decentralized and uncertain work context. This symposium presents five methodologically and culturally diverse studies with a shared focus on investigating the dynamics of proactivity at work. Collectively, the studies provide insights into the role of temporality and the implications of self-initiated actions at work. First, Weisman, Bindl, Gibson, and Unsworth advance a temporal theory of job crafting, a specific type of proactive behavior, which considers implications of proactivity for both individuals and organizations, over different time frames. The presentations by Cangiano and Parker, and by Fatimah, Lee, and Ferris, both focus on short-term implications of engaging in proactivity at work, while Yu and Starzyk advance insights into longer-term implications of proactivity. Finally, Wu, Tangirala, van Knippenberg, Shu, and Guo conclude with research on the importance of temporal aspects in team-level proactivity at work for relevant organizational outcomes. The themes of the symposium will be drawn out by the discussant, Susan Ashford, who is a recognized expert on the topic of proactivity. A particular feature of this symposium is its international composition, including researchers from Australia, Asia, Europe, and North America. The Dynamics of Job Crafting: Temporal Implications of Job Crafting for Key Outcomes Presenter: Hannah Weisman; London School of Economics and Political Science Presenter: Uta K. Bindl; King's College London Presenter: Cristina Gibson; Pepperdine Graziadio Business School Presenter: Kerrie Unsworth; U. of Leeds Building Mastery: A Job Demands-Control Approach to Feedback-Seeking Behavior Presenter: Francesco Cangiano; U. of Western Australia Presenter: Stacey L. Parker; U. of Queensland Does Proactivity Beget Proactivity? The Role of Power and Status Presenter: Shereen Fatimah; Singapore Management U. Presenter: Hun Whee Lee; The Ohio State U. Fisher College of Business Presenter: Lance Ferris; Michigan State U. The Negative Implications of Intensified Employee Voice: Whom do Managers Ostracize Less? Presenter: Nadia Y. Yu; NEOMA Business School Presenter: Anita Starzyk; NEOMA Business School Only Time Will Tell: How Teams Centralize Their Voice Around Competent Members to Perform Better Presenter: Jing Wu; Erasmus U. Rotterdam Presenter: Subrahmaniam Tangirala; U. of Maryland Presenter: Daan Van Knippenberg; Drexel U. Presenter: Rui Shu; Shanghai U. of Finance and Economics Presenter: Yiran Guo; Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus U.
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