Abstract Background Fibrinogen plays a critical role in hemostasis and is essential to clot formation. Changes in the quantity or activity of fibrinogen can lead to disorders affecting coagulation. Thus, it is essential to precisely quantify fibrinogen levels to differentiate between hyperfibrinogenemia in hypercoagulable disorders and dysfibrinogenemia, hypo/afibrinogenemia, and irregular bleeding. Current diagnostic tests that use antibodies to detect fibrinogen or activity-based measures are susceptible to interference from heparin contamination, hemolysis, and hyperbilirubinemia. Here, we evaluated the use of targeted proteomics for developing a quantitative assay for fibrinogen in plasma samples. Methods Four peptides each for alpha and gamma chains of fibrinogen were synthesized using FMOC chemistry on a Liberty Blue (CEM Corp) peptide synthesizer. A targeted multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) assay was developed and optimized using Dionex Ultimate 3000 HPLC connected to a TSQ Altis triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific). Evaluations were conducted using a range of standards, such as pure protein, WHO plasma and commercially available plasma with known fibrinogen amounts for the accurate quantitation of fibrinogen. Calibration curves were generated using different dilutions in various matrices. The repeatability and precision of the assay were evaluated across five different days. The plasma samples were processed and digested in a 96-well plate and subjected to C18 clean-up using a Bravo automated liquid handler (Agilent). All samples were spiked-in with corresponding heavy-labeled peptides prior to digestion with trypsin. Multiple reaction monitoring assays were performed on tryptic digests of plasma samples. Results Calibration curves using commercial plasma for all peptides showed linearity from 20 mg/dl to 1,308 mg/dl. This covers the entire clinical range including normal (200-350 mg/dl), deficient states (<100 mg/dl) and excess production (>350 mg/dl) that can be used for evaluation of bleeding disorders including consumption coagulopathy and hyperfibrinogenemia. Based on the overall performance in terms of linearity, limit of detection/quantitation, carryover and coefficient of variation (CV) across five different days, two peptides per chain were finally selected for developing the quantitative assay. The intra-assay variability was <5% and intra-day CV was ∼20%. This assay is currently being tested on a variety of clinical samples representing a range of fibrinogen levels. Conclusions Our study focused on assessing whether multiplexed MRM assay could be implemented to measure fibrinogen levels in plasma. Our data indicate the feasibility of MRM-based assays for determining fibrinogen levels as an alternative to existing non-mass spectrometry-based activity or antigen assays.