Ceramic-sintering affects bond strength and longevity of metal-ceramic. This study investigated the effect of sintering temperatures and times on metal-ceramic bond strength vis-a-vis interfacial fracture toughness. One hundred eighty rectangular-shaped (25 × 8 × 1mm) casting (Auriloy® (CA)) and CAD-milling (Ceramill Sintron® (MA)) alloys were prepared and randomly veneered with ceramic at normal (930°C; (TN)), increased (940°C; (TI)), and extremely increased (950°C; (TE)) sintering temperatures and normal (1min; (HN)), increased (2min; (HI)), and extremely increased (3min; (HE)) sintering time (n = 10/group). Pre-cracked was subjected to four loading-unloading cycles at 0.05mm/min speed to determine interfacial fracture toughness from strain energy release rate (G). Microstructures were examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX), and atomic force microscopy (AFM). ANOVA and Tukey comparisons were determined for significant differences (α = 0.05). Significant differences in G due to the effect of alloy, sintering temperature, and time (p < 0.05) were indicated. MA revealed higher G than CA. Raising temperatures enabled increasing G for CA, not for MA. Extended sintering permitted increasing G for both alloys. Rougher surface of MA than CA was observed. Interfacial ion exchange was differently indicated between CA and MA. Bond strength was influenced by alloy, sintering temperature, and time. Ceramic has better adhesion to MA than CA. Enhancing bond for CA was succeeded through increasing sintering temperature and time, whereas through extended sintering for MA. MA offers stronger bond than CA. Enhancing bond is suggested by extended sintering. Raising temperature can enhance bond for CA, not for MA.