Background. The purpose of this study is to estimate the protective capability of ethanolic Albizia lebbeck leaf extract against Klebsiella pneumoniae contagion in rabbits. Methods. The animals gathered into three groups each group contain eight albino rabbits were received the following: subcutaneously group one was received Killed Whole Cell Sonicated Antigen-Klebsiella pneumoniae (KWCSAg-KP); group two was orally received ethanolic Albizia lebbeck leaf extract and KWCSAg-KP subcutaneously; group three was quit as control group was given PBS subcutaneously. The rabbit groups were orally challenged by 1.5 × 108 CFU/ml Klebsiella pneumoniae then the rabbit were immolated ten days post-challenge for pathological changes. Spleen, liver, intestine and kidney were examined for histopathological alterations. Intestine, liver, kidney and spleen were examined for pathological changes. Results. The results revealed that the 2nd group had the least histopathological alterations with moderate infiltration of inflammatory cells in addition to no any abnormality detected in the kidney as well as the liver. The KWCSAg-KP group revealed sloughing with mild superficial inflammation in the lamina propria and mild vacuolation of the hepatocytes in the centrilobular area in addition to moderate white pulp hyperplasia in the spleen. The control group showed sever changes of inflammation, vacuolation, intestinal hemorrhage and congestion of the hepatic veins as well as hemosiderosis of the red pulp in the spleen. Conclusion. Albizia lebbeck leaf extract revealed to give an appropriate protection against inflammation as well as damage of virulent Klebsiella pneumoniae contagion in comparison to both of KWCSAg-KP and control groups.
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