The structured grinding wheels have a specially designed macro or microstructure on the surface, with a relatively low average grinding force and temperature in the cutting zone and more space for chips and coolant. Most traditional grinding wheel fabrication methods, such as electroplating, sintering, and brazing, have the problems of poor abrasive grain holding strength, random abrasive distribution, or thermal deformation of the substrate. To address this, laser cladding remelting technology is introduced to fabricate the structured CBN grinding wheel. A no-impact trajectory was designed on the substrate of the grinding wheel, which can reduce the fluid friction in the channel and increase the fluid pressure at the outlet. The temperature and velocity fields of the grinding process were simulated to verify the feasibility of the designed structure theoretically. The optimal process parameters for the bonding among the metal bond, the abrasive grains, and the substrate were determined by orthogonal and full-scale factorial experiments. The chemical metallurgical reactions between CBN grain and metal bond, as well as between the metal bond and substrate, were formed, increasing the holding force of CBN grains. The method can realize the fabrication of high-strength and long-life structured grinding wheels with an orderly arrangement of abrasive grains. The micro-mechanism of fabrication was analyzed using element distribution measurement and XRD analysis.