In the workplace, justice and equality are important factors in the performance of employees. A variety of aspects of the work are linked to the practises and procedures that are used to increase productive capacity. Because of this, employee satisfaction depends on the quality of the job performed in accordance with the principles of procedural justice and distributive justice. Research conducted in the banks and examined the application of the working practices of the procedural and distributive justice. Three Banks examined for this study these are National Bank of Pakistan (NBP), Habib Bank Limited (HBL) and United Bank Limited (UBL). The sample size from HBL is 27 respondents, UBL examined with 18 respondents and NBP with 42 respondents. The responses from these Banks proved with final outcomes that HBL employees are found satisfactory from the working environment in relation with procedural and distributive justice. UBL employee’s procedural justice not influencing the employee’s satisfaction while the roles of procedural and distributive justices are important for employee’s satisfaction in NBP. Therefore, procedural and distributive justices-based practices are important for the satisfaction of the employees well of these Banks.