To present a single-center experience with a mechanical hydrodynamic thrombectomy system (Hydrolyser) in native arteries, veins, and bypass grafts. The Hydrolyser is a 7F, double lumen, over-the-wire thrombectomy catheter. The device was used in 41 patients (22 males; mean age 68 years, range 40 to 90), with recent thromboses (aged 1 to 30 days, mean 8.7+/-8.5), measuring from 4 to 35 cm long (mean 17.7+/-9.5). The occlusions were located in native lower limb arteries (n = 28), bypass grafts (n = 8), superior venae cavae (n = 2), axillary vein (n = 1), and pulmonary arteries (n = 2). Immediate technical success (residual clot < 50% of lumen diameter) was achieved in 34 patients (83%): 22/28 native arteries (78%), 7/8 bypass grafts (87%), and all pulmonary arteries, superior venae cavae, and the axillary vein. The 7 failed patients were treated surgically (bypass graft or Fogarty balloon). Adjunctive procedureswere used to maximize luminal diameter: angioplasty (n = 29, with 13 immediate stent implantations), thromboaspiration (n = 17), and thrombolysis (n = 10). One case of distal embolism was the only complication (treated by thromboaspiration). At 30 days, 30 (73%) vessels remained patent. The Hydrolyser system is a promising concept for percutaneous thrombectomy. It is a quick, reliable, efficient device that may offer an alternative to thrombolysis and surgical thrombectomy.