Objective: this study on the effect of the level of incorporation of Musca domestica maggot flour on some zootechnical performances of Cyprinus carpio fry in unfertilized ponds. Study design: The study took place at the Laboratory of Aquaculture and Demography of Fisheries Resources (LADRHa) in the Yabassi District, Nkam department, coastal region-Cameroon and duration 2 months. Methodology: 375 Cyprinus carpio fry with an average weight of 1.73±0.13g were used. After reception and acclimatization for two days. Five food rations were formulated T0+ (coppens), T0- without maggot flour and three other food rations T25, T30 and T35 were formulated from the basic ration T0- by incorporating 25%, 30%, 35% maggot flour. The fry were distributed in 15 circular basins of 40L each and a diameter of 395mm in a completely redomized device and repeated three times, installed in an unfertilized pond of 200m2 fed by a water retention dam. Each happa contained 25 fry. The fry were fed manually, 02 times per day at 10% of their ichthyo biomass until the end of the experiment. Control fishing was carried out every fourteen days. Results: The survival rate was significantly higher (p˂0.05) with the T0- treatment and low with the T35 treatment. The highest average weight was recorded with the T0+ treatment (coppens) and the lowest with the treatment containing 35% maggot meal. Daily weight gain was high with the T0+ (coppens) treatment and lower with T35. The specific growth rate was higher with the T0+ (coppens) treatment and lower with the T30 treatment. The consumption index was lower with the T0+ treatment (coppens) and higher with the T35 treatment. Conclusion: It emerges from this study that the fry of Cyprinus carpio nouris fed feed containing 25% of Musca domestica maggot meal recorded higher zootechnical performances compared to those fed feed containing 30 and 35%.
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