Abstract. We give the characterization of H¨older differentiability pointsand non-differentiability points of the Riesz-N´agy-Taka´cs (RNT) singularfunction Ψ a,p satisfying Ψ a,p (a) = p. It generalizes recent multifractaland metric number theoretical results associated with the RNT function.Besides, we classify the singular functions using the singularity order de-duced from the H¨older derivative giving the information that a strictlyincreasing smooth function having a positive derivative Lebesgue almosteverywhere has the singularity order 1 and the RNT function Ψ a,p hasthe singularity order g(a,p) = alogp+(1−a)log(1−p)aloga+(1−a)log(1−a) ≥1. 1. IntroductionRecently many ([8, 9, 10, 16]) studied the Cantor function, a singular func-tion which is not strictly increasing and the Minkowski’s Question Mark func-tion which is a strictly increasing singular function. Also J. Parad´isetal. ([17])studied some conditions of the null and infinite derivatives of the RNT strictlyincreasing singular function using metric number theory.Recently we ([4]) also studied multifractal characterization of the null andinfinite derivative sets and the non-differentiability set of the RNT singularfunction, which is the typical singular function related to mutifractal theory.In this paper, we employ the Ho¨lder derivative, which is a generalized form ofthe usual derivative, of the RNT function on the unit interval. This definitionextends the concept of the singularity to the general singularity for a strictlyincreasing continuous function. For every point in the unit interval, we ([4])can give some code or dyadic expansion using digit 0 and 1, generating thedistribution set determined by the frequency of the zero in its expansion. Thedistribution sets in the unit interval are the local dimension sets by a self-similar
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