A comparison is reported between Bronsted coefficients for catalysis by amine bases (β) and from kinetic and equilibrium measurements of hydroxide solvent isotope effects: kOD/kOH=(KOD/KOH)βi, for E1cB elimination of 9-(dimethylaminomethyl)fluorene and its conjugate acid to form dibenzofulvene. As in related reactions, agreement between values is poor (βi 0.31; β > 0.65), and better agreement is sought by separating the isotope effects into contributions from the hydrogens of the hydroxy-group and its solvation shell, making use of kinetic measurements in 1 :1 H2O–D2O mixtures. Following Gold, β values are defined from fractionation factors for the transition state (ϕ1 and ϕ2) and hydroxide ion (ϕa and ϕb) as ϕ1=ϕa1 –βa and ϕ2=ϕb1 –βb for the hydroxy and solvating hydrogens, respectively. It is found that the measured β values are very sensitive to the values of ϕa and ϕb, and since these themselves are poorly defined experimentally it appears that evaluation of a β value providing a practical measure of transition state structure is at present not possible. On the other hand, the measurements in 1 : 1 H2O–D2O provide a constraint on ϕa and ϕb in that solutions for the transition state fractionation factors ϕ1 and ϕ2 exist only outside the ranges ϕa 0.45–1.43 and ϕb 0.99–0.67. This result is sensitive to experimental error but not to the fractionation model chosen for the transition state. An attempt to compare hydroxide with methoxide solvent isotope effects in MeOH and MeOD was prevented by the occurrence of isotope exchange between solvent and substrate in MeOD. Kinetic analysis of the competing reactions of exchange and elimination in MeOD, however, offers confirmation of the mochanism of reaction and of the involvement of carbanion and zwitterion intermediates in the elimination.
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