The a-bromobenzyl cations have been produced in aqueous solution by chemical initiation (solvolysis) of benzyla-gem dibromides. The solvolysis reactions of benzyl-gem-dibromides in water proceed by a stepwise mechanism through a-bromobenzyl carbocation intermediates, which are captured by water to give the corresponding benzaldehydes as the sole detectable products. Rate constant ratios ks/k, (MI) for partitioning of the carbocation be tween reaction with bromide ion and reaction with water have been determined by analysis of bromide common ion inhibition of the solvolysis reaction . The rate constants k, (S'I) for the reaction of the cation with solvent water were determined from the ex perimental values of ks/k, and k,o lv. for the solvolysis of the ben zyl-gem-dibromides, using kSr = 5x 10 9 MI S· I for diffusion limited reaction of bromide ion with benzyl carbocations. Calcu lation and discussion of selectivities, ks/ks' of the a-bromobenzyl cations, activation parameters for solvolysis step and for addition of water to the cation are some of the salient features not reported earlier. Effect of substituents is also discussed in terms of Ham mett equation for both the steps. The substitution reactions of benzyl derivatives have been well-studied l ,2 and several investigations appeared in literature for the development of the the ory of nucleophilic substitution at saturated carbon l - 9 , In the study of solvolysis reactions of some benzyl chlorides, benzalchlorides and polychloromethyl ethers, it was concluded that these reactions proceed through stable carbocation intermediates, This was attributed to the contributions of additional structures in which positive charge is placed on a-chlorine lO , Also, there were few reports of salt and deuterium isotope effects on solvolytic reactions of benzalchlo rides in aquo-organic mixed solvents 11-13, This prompted us to investigate the solvolysis reactions of benzyl-gem-dibromides in aqueous solution with a view to find whether the developing bromobenzyl cation would be stabilized by the other bromo sub stituent. Experimental Inorganic salts and organic chemicals used for chemical syntheses were reagent grade and used as such, The water used for kinetic studies was distilled over acid dichromate and permanganate. The gem dibromides were synthesized as per a reported proce dure l4 , Solvolysis rate constants for the reaction of the benzyl-gem-dibromides were determined in water containing I % acetonitrile at 25°C and at a constant ionic strength of 1,0 M, maintained with NaCI04 . The stock solution of the substrate was prepared in aceto nitrile, The solvolysis reactions of benzyl-gem dibromides were initiated by making a 100-fold dilu tion of the stock solution of substrate in acetonitrile to the reaction mixture to give a final concentration of 1.0 x 10- 4 M by injecting 30 IJ.L to 3 mL of water