Herein, a stereolithography appearance 3‐D printed phased array feed (PAF) on radio telescopes based on broadband Vivaldi antenna elements covering 4–10 GHz, which meets the requirements of low cost, lightweight, and compact volume, is designed and proposed. The prototype is integrated with two orthogonal linear polarized 4 × 5 arrays, each of which is composed of 20 Vivaldi antenna elements. The distance between adjacent antenna elements is 1/2 λ in both E‐plane and H‐plane. By increasing thickness of the slice elements compared with traditional end‐fire arrays on printed circuit board, the wide‐band impedance matching is realized. The mutual impedance matrix of the dual‐polarization array is calculated and the equivalent circuit of the active and parasitic elements is demonstrated. Due to the orthogonal parasitic elements inserted between the adjacent active antennas, equivalent capacitance is introduced in the tightly coupled array. The measured active voltage standing wave ratio of the manufactured PAF exhibits 4–10 GHz operating bandwidth for both broadside radiation and 45° scan in both E‐ and H‐plane polarization. The proposed wideband PAF has a promising potential application prospect in fast radio burst and other astronomic observation.