Introductory Chemistry for the Environmental Sciences, by Roy M. Harrison et al., University of Essex, Department of Chemistry, Colchester, U.K., 354 pages (including 87 figures, 51 tables, questions and references added to each chapter, and an index of seven pages), paper back, format 246 x 174 mm, ISBN 0–521–27639‐X, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Environmental Chemistry Series 4, Cambridge CB2 2RU, U.K. (1991), £16.95, US$ 29.95. Summary Report on the Evaluation of Short‐Term Tests for Carcinogens (Collaborative Study on In‐Vivo Tests), by 102 participants, based originally on two scientific publications (1985, 1988) of J. Ashby, I.C.I., Macclesfield, U.K., 96 pages (including four tables, summaries in English, French and Spanish, but unfortunately no index, also the list of references is very short), paper board, format 210 x 141 mm, ISBN 92–4–157109–8, WHO Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 109 (Geneva, 1990), SFr. 13.‐, US$ 10.40. Prediction of the Environmental Fate of Chemicals, by Yusaf Samiullah, Croydon, U.K., 285 pages (including 54 figures, 53 tables, 42 pages of references, and 15 pages with an index), hard cover, format 229 x 148 mm, ISBN 1–85166–450–5, The British Petroleum Company (London) and Elsevier Applied Science (London and New York) (1990), £45.00. The Environmental Record in Glaciers and Ice Sheets, edited by Hans Oeschger, University of CH‐3012 Berne and Chester C. Langway Jr., State University of New York, Buffalo/Amherst, N.Y. 14226, 401 pages (including 96 Figures, 26 Tables, references added to the contributions, an address list of the participants of five pages, and a subject index of 6 pages), hard cover, format 236 x 159 mm, ISBN 0–471–92185–8, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore (1989), £47.50. Transfer of Radionuclides in Natural and Semi‐Natural Environments, edited by G. Desmet, E.C., B‐1049 Brussels, P. Nassimbeni, I‐33050 Pozzuolo del Friuli, and M. Belli, ENEA‐DISP, 1–00144 Rome, 693 pages (including 187 Figures, 174 Tables, references added to each contribution, list of participants and contributors (with addresses) of 13 pages, but unfortunately no index), hard cover, format 249 x 170 mm, ISBN 1–85166–539–0, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers Ltd., London and New York (1990), £95.00. Pesticide Transformation Products: Fate and Significance in the Environment, edited by L. Somasundaram and Joel R. Coats, Pesticide Toxicology Laboratory, Department of Entomology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, 305 pages (including 50 Figures, 52 Tables, many formulas and schemes, references added to the contributions, and a good index of 15 pages), hard cover, format 235 x 157 mm, ISBN 0–8412–1994‐X, ACS Symposium Series 459, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. 20036 (1991), US$ 64.95.
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